Facing mockery over boots, Ron DeSantis tries out amateur comedy

Is that Ron DeSantis or Andrew Dice Clay?

Perhaps you’ve heard: Florida’s governor has been clowned recently over claims he wears lifts in his boots to appear taller. And a few days ago, DeSantis appeared on a podcast with a Trump-supporting host who questioned him on #Bootgate:

I don’t know about you, but DeSantis doesn’t strike me as someone who can take mockery in stride. I imagine he angrily flings those boots off the moment he steps in the house.

So whatever the reason, be it pride or political desperation, DeSantis has been fighting back with some relatively crass comedy — testing out a few jabs that were, shall we say, below the belt.

“This is no time for foot fetishes,” DeSantis said during an interview on Newsmax before immediately pivoting to campaign talking points about the border and the Israel-Hamas war. (For the record, we don’t kink-shame here at The ReidOut Blog.)

DeSantis went on to say: “I know people want to try to divert onto other issues. I know Donald Trump and a lot of his people have been focusing on things like footwear. I’ll tell you this: If Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, I’ll wear a boot on my head. This is a time for substance.”

Afterward, Team DeSantis was soon promoting golf balls as campaign merch.

DeSantis appears to be grasping at straws in his turn toward amateur comedy. Or, as he faces potential de-feet in the GOP primary, perhaps he’s trying to out-Trump Trump with his own crass humor.
