American Idol finds itself down a judge on Thursday, as the show says goodbye to Steven Tyler.
“After some long… hard… thoughts… I’ve decided it’s time for me to let go of my mistress American Idol before she boils my rabbit,” said the 64-year-old rocker in one of his classic quips.
We at Idol Worship will miss Tyler’s charming presence and everything he brought to the franchise in the last two seasons: wit, wild outfits, the occasional off-color remark, and a million different ways one can say, “beautiful.” Week after week, we didn’t want to miss a thing.
As Tyler exits the Idol stage and enters arenas with a different mission — touring Aerosmith’s forthcoming album, Music From Another Dimension — Idol Worship looks back at six of his most memorable moments:
Tyler loved to flirt with the ladies, and they flirted back:
Tyler loved his swear words, and in this season 10 montage, he lets it rip — or in his words, “let’s see what hatches”:
We got a great shot of the rocker’s derriere in this classic moment at the end of the season 11 Hollywood Rounds:
It was always special when contestants got an opportunity to duet with the Aerosmith frontman. This moment with season 10 future runner-up Lauren Alaina from her Nashville audition still gives us “goosies”:
Oh, and who can forget Shannon Magrane’s audition, where Tyler said — right to her father, Joseph Magrane, a former pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals — that his daughter was “hot and humid”:
How much do we love it when Steven said “beautiful?” Almost as much as when he let out one of his trademark screams. In this clip, we got both:
What will you miss most with Tyler’s departure, Worshippers? Tell us in the comments section below.
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