One of the most intriguing games on the Week 2 college football slate is the Nebraska Cornhuskers traveling to Folsom Field to take on the 22nd-ranked Colorado Buffaloes. This will be the first time the Buffaloes are playing at home since hiring Deion Sanders and having a record number of transfers join the program.
The Colorado vs. Nebraska matchup will be televised nationally, with FOX's A-crew to call the game. Gus Johnson will be the play-by-play announcer, while Joel Klatt will be the color analyst. Jenny Taft will be the sideline reporter for this game on FOX.
Colorado is coming off a massive upset where it went on the road and defeated the runner-up for the national championship in the TCU Horned Frogs. Nebraska lost its opening game on the road on Aug. 31 against the Minnesota Golden Gophers 13-10.

70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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The Colorado vs. Nebraska game should be exhilarating as the target is now on the Buffs' back. After being a 20-point road underdog and winning the game outright last week, the Buffaloes have already matched the 2022 win total for the program, and expectations have changed.
The Nebraska Cornhuskers could not get going offensively in Week 1 as junior quarterback Jeff Sims finished 11-of-19 for 114 yards with a touchdown and three interceptions through the air and ran 19 times for 91 yards. Their defense was able to limit the running game, as Minnesota could only run for 55 yards on 25 attempts throughout the 60 minutes.
The Buffaloes had an exciting back-and-forth game last week, winning 45-42 on the road and having incredible performances. Junior quarterback Shedeur Sanders finished 38-of-47 for a program-record 510 yards with four touchdowns.
Cornerback/wide receiver Travis Hunter also shot his way up the Heisman Trophy list, as offensively, he had 11 receptions for 119 yards, and on defense, he had a major interception.
This game will be interesting as Nebraska cannot come into this game surprised at what it saw in Week 1. Matt Rhule and Deion Sanders are excellent college football coaches who should have this longtime rivalry game ready for action.
Expect this game to be close again and Colorado's defense to step up a bit more this week and pull off the victory to improve to 2-0 on the season.
This Buffaloes team will not read their press clippings and just settle, and observers do not love the Cornhuskers offensively this year.
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